2D-INK: Developing inks of novel 2D materials for printable electronic applications

This video summarizes some of the recent achievements of the European Project 2D-INK with participants from POLYMAT, the University of the Basque Country, CIC Nanogune and Graphenea among others. 2D-INK (http://www.2d-ink.eu) is a European project targeted at developing inks of novel 2D semiconducting materials for low-cost large-area fabrication processes on insulating substrates through a new methodology, which will exceed the properties of state-of-the-art graphene- and graphene oxide based inks. Achieving this would represent an important step forward in the processing of 2D semiconducting materials and will provide the key parameters for fabricating the next generation of ultrathin electronic appliances and exploring their potential over other scientific and technological disciplines, such as sensing, photonics, energy storage and conversion, spintronics, etc.

Iruzkinak (52)

  1. A nice and intuitive video showing the importante of 2D Materials for new technologies.

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